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Cricket Liu Live Virtual Event 2017

More cyber attacks occur during the holidays than any other time. How can you stop them? Start by joining us for this live event. Hear about lessons learned from the 2016 Dyn Attack, the role DNS plays as a threat vector, and whether your organization is vulnerable to attacks.
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Defending Against DDoS at the Core

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and other cyber attacks that can bring down a network are escalating throughout the world. And these attacks can significantly damage a business, affecting its productivity, customer satisfaction, reputation, revenues, and profitability.
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Upgrade Your Network Services: Optimizing Application Performance

Business success depends on being able to quickly enable your customers and employees to easily connect with you. And this means delivering optimum performance to customers, employees and users accessing your web servers. The Trinzic upgrade program includes what you need for fast, reliable communications: DNS Traffic Control, Reporting & Analytics, and DNS Security.
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Future-proof Network Automation and Policy Enforcement

Network Change is still the leading cause of network related incidents. At the same time, demands on network engineering and network operations are increasing in support of closing security vulnerabilities quickly, ensuring configuration security policies are enforced, deploying new services, and supporting changing business needs.
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Infoblox DTC Webinar Series

Argyle Executive Forum, in partnership with Infoblox, is bringing together leading IT security executives from a variety of industries to discuss these topics and more at our 2017 CISO Virtual Event: Command a Holistic Security Framework to Protect Your Business.
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